Muay Thai
Muay Thai with Beyond Best
If you’re ready to begin working on a new you with a personal trainer, but dread what sounds like a lot of hard work and dedication, you may be pleased to know that not all training methods are routine drudgery. For those who need mental stimulation to stay motivated, why not learn a new skill while you work out?
This is how Beyond Best Personal Training stands out from the crowd – along with a client-focused approach to things like cardio and strength training, we also specialise in the ancient martial art of Muay Thai boxing. A fun and challenging variation of kickboxing, Muay Thai is one way to work on your fitness without getting bored or losing enthusiasm.
What is Muay Thai boxing?
Although it is known as ‘the art of eight limbs’ for the way it utilises one’s body as a multifaceted weapon, training in this way can help you to get in touch with yourself on levels you may not expect. While targeting and strengthening different areas individually, you will learn how to use your body fluidly, efficiently, and instinctively – making fitness second nature!
The Benefits of our Approach
And of course, there are many other benefits that make Muay Thai appealing, such as gains in mental agility, concentration, flexibility, coordination, and confidence. Not to mention the invaluable skills of self-defence! So, for a workout regimen that’s interactive, purposeful, and rewarding, get in touch with Beyond Best on 0438 589 842 to learn more.

Start your health and fitness journey with Beyond Best today.