
Should I Stick With Or Change Up My Program?

Posted by Beni Cook

So how do we measure this? And what are we basing our decision on to judge if a training program is worth sticking to or not?

Let us explore and provide some helpful and realistic measures for you to use which can highlight if what you are doing is worth persisting with or not. Knowing when to stick with something and when to change it up is an important skill. Using insights from your experiences to improve your training methods is ultimately what will allow you to achieve your desired outcomes for the long term.


Am I getting Results?

This is a great measure in determining if your training is on the right track? However, let us make sure we are realistic about what results mean. If you didn’t gain 5 kilos in a week then it’s extremely unlikely to lose it that fast either. We need look at results much more broadly. Have I gotten a little leaner, more flexible, fitter, stronger? If you can tick one or more of these boxes, then look at sticking it out and carrying on.

Am I enjoying what I am doing?

This is especially important! We will always perform better and stick longer to a process that we enjoy. If you want any chance of sticking to an exercise regime long term, then you must ensure there is an enjoyable element to it. If it starts to get boring, you’ll start to look for excuses to exercise less and less over time.

Does it fit in with my lifestyle?

As a Trainer the most frequently asked question I get is “what is the best program for weight loss” No matter who it is that’s asking, my response has always been the same. “the best program, is the one you can follow” Measure a program’s effectiveness not based on how much weight you can lose over a period of time. Base it on how likely you will be to stick with it for the long term. Does it match your lifestyle and work alongside the things you are not prepared or unable to give up? If the program fits into this then there is a much better chance of making sustainable progress.

These three key measures can help you determine very quickly when to stick with and when to change. When you find a program or a routine that can tick these three boxes then you have found a winning recipe. Even with results it is difficult to maintain the discipline of training without the fun and lifestyle fit. So, the next time you think about jumping into a new exercise regime stop to think about these three key questions first.

Beni Cook
Beni Cook is the Head Personal Trainer and Founder of Beyond Best. Beni is a health and fitness expert who develops individualised exercise programs that will meet your own short and long-term objectives, while providing information, advice and encouragement that will enable you to lead your healthiest life, every day.

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