
Spanish Zucchini Tortilla

Posted by Beni Cook
A good Breakfast is a start of a good day.
Sitting down to a healthy, freshly cooked Breakfast will help set you on the right path for the rest of your day.
Start your day right with this tasty Zucchini Tortilla.
377 kcal | 22g Fats | 22g Carbs | 21g Protein
• 1 tbsp. olive oil
• 1 small potato, peeled, chopped
• 1 small onion, chopped
• ½ small zucchini, thinly sliced
• 6 eggs
• Salt and Pepper to season
1) Heat oil in a non-stick pan and sear the potato and onion over medium-high heat, for about 4 minutes.
2️) Next, add the zucchini and sauté for another 4 minutes.
3️) In a bowl, whisk eggs and season with salt and pepper. Transfer the vegetables from the pan into the bowl and mix well
4️) Using the same pan, cook the egg mixture on low heat, making sure everything is evenly distributed. After about 3 minutes,
run a spatula around the outer edges of the tortilla to make sure it’s not sticking to the pan.
5️) After 8-10 minutes, flip the tortilla (depending on heat, size and pan this might take a minute or two less or longer),
using a plate over the pan. Slide the uncooked part back into the pan.
6) After another 5-6 minutes, the tortilla should be cooked, remove from heat and serve.
Beni Cook
Beni Cook is the Head Personal Trainer and Founder of Beyond Best. Beni is a health and fitness expert who develops individualised exercise programs that will meet your own short and long-term objectives, while providing information, advice and encouragement that will enable you to lead your healthiest life, every day.

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